Business & Technology

7th Digital Szeklerland conference to focus on AI

This is more than a simple conference. It is the forum of Transylvanian – and within that, Szeklerland’s – innovators and professionals, who sit down and initiate talks, and think together about a smart future for this region. Digital Szeklerland opens its gates for the seventh time, this year at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in Marosvásárhely/Târgu Mureș between September 26 and 29.

Each year, the conference is focused on a carefully chosen theme, and this year the main topic of discussion is artificial intelligence. The event and the venue offers a great opportunity for participants to initiate talks with professionals, learn and share information, and, of course, think together about the possibilities of joining forces. This isn’t only for IT professionals: everyone who has sent an email from their phone can participate in any of the presentations and join in the conversation.

The conference’s program is colorful and addresses a wide range of timely questions: the presentation and live demonstration of artificial intelligence, industry 4.0, IT project management, the role of artificial intelligence in marketing and sales, blockchain, digital agriculture, and GDPR, just to name a few.

Physicist and researcher László Albert Barabási will take the stage and speak about digitalization and traditional networks in the company of Gábor Kolumbán, president of the Civitas Foundation’s governing board; Gergely Szertics, manager of AI Partners; Dr. Levente András Gál, secretary of state and attorney; and many more. Our team will also be there to celebrate its first year of TransylvaniaNOW.

The Digital Szeklerland conference started as an IT meeting with a handful of attendees but has quickly become one of the most popular networking events organized in this area of Transylvania.

During its seven years of existence, Digital Szeklerland has grown into a three-day event, which is part of a joint effort of business owners from the IT and communications sector who have acknowledged that in order to increase the living standards of people in Szeklerland, their active involvement is required.

For the full schedule of the networking event, a detailed description of the programs, and the presentation of speakers, head to www.digitalisszekelyfold.ro. You may still be able to catch some early-bird tickets.

Author: István Fekete