Business & Technology

What independence means for Romanians?

Six out of ten (63%) Romanian would like to open their own business, shows a study made by iSense Solutions, a market researcher company.

The interest in having their own business is higher among men (72%), youngs aged between 18 and 23 (77%), and young adults, aged between 24 and 38 (75%). The data was collected in January by asking 1011 persons and is representative for the urban areas of the country. The study is part of the iSense Modern Consumer Trends Tracker research, published every year since 2014.

Independence Graph
Question: What independence means for you? Answers: to be financially independent; to do what I want, to follow my passions; to succeed on my own; to be a free professional, work whenever I want; to live on my own; to not have properties, not be tied to a place, be able to move whenever I want; not be responsible for anyone (to not have children, family).


The high interest in own businesses is a consequence of the fact that most Romanians measure their independence in financial terms. To the question What independence means for you? 80% of the interviewees answered that financial independence is the most important aspect of freedom. Only 77% of the interviewees said that independence is doing what they want, to follow, experience their passions. This second answer was more popular among the older (88%), while only 56% of the youngsters choose this option.

To succeed on your own is another important parameter of independence among Romanians, 57% of the interviewees answered that succeeding on your own means freedom. This answer was more popular among women (63%, versus men 37%) and youngsters (62%).

Only 3 out of 10 responders said that being a professional and working whenever you want means freedom, this answer was higher (40%) among adults aged between 39 and 54. Living on your own is another aspect of measuring independenc, this answer was the most popular among the young generation.

Author: Orsi Sarány