Most of us are glad to see the end of winter, but Szeklers are keen to nudge it back just a little. Because first, to celebrate the cold season coming to a close, Szeklers from Gyergyószárhegy/Lazarea and traditionalist groups from eleven settlements in Hargita/Harghita County put on their traditional costumes and masks to scare the winter off.
One of the key elements of this year’s carnival was the tradition brought by the Szeklers of Kászonfeltíz: bikaütés or bull-hitting. This tradition symbolizes the chasing off of winter, and everyone has a role to play in this funny spectacle. The central figures are obviously the symbolic bull (a young man dressed in a bull mask), the young men leading the bull, and the sellers and buyers. The play is peppered with lots of laughter, folk music and dancing.
Big thanks go to our colleague István Vajk Szigeti, who was there to capture the greatest moments of this amusing saga presented throughout the Gyergyószárhegy village. Winter has now been chased away from Szeklerland, so get ready for the region’s sunniest days.
The opening ceremony of the 28th Winter Carnival, hosted by Gyergyószárhegy. The village’s mayor gives a gift to Csíkszépvíz’s mayor, as Csíkszépvíz will host the 29th winter carnival in Harghita County. (28th Winter carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
The young men leading the “bull.” (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
Folk groups presenting their traditional carnival play in different areas of the host village. (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
A festive spirit is guaranteed by folk musicians. (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
A festive spirit is guaranteed by folk musicians. (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
A festive spirit is guaranteed by folk musicians. (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
The host village prepares traditional foods and drinks such as cumin brandy and mulled wine. (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
The shepherds crack their whip in the center of the village. (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy/Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
“Striking down the dummy bull.” (28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy / Lăzarea, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)
Dancing and “chasing away” the winter in the center of Lăzarea.(28th Winter Carnival, Harghita County, Gyergyószárhegy / Lăzare, 2020, TransylvaniaNOW, István Vajk Szigeti)