
One step closer to solving Romania’s bear problem

A delegation representing the Upper Háromszék region of Szeklerland met on Tuesday afternoon with the Minister for the Environment, Costel Alexe, asking him to make concrete steps in the compensation for damage caused by bears or other wild animals. László Ödön Fejér, senator of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians of Romania (RMDSZ) and responsible for the Háromszék region, Attila Daragus, mayor of the Torja municipality, and Attila Kiss, president of the Katrosa Hunting Association, arrived to Bucharest with numerous documents and demands. According to the delegation, the meeting did not run smoothly, but it was successful.

At a recent meeting in Bálványosfürdő (Băile Bálványos in Romanian), Senator László Ödön Fejér made a promise: he will to pay more attention to the bear issue of Háromszék and to the compensation for damage done by wild animals. At the meeting, the parties involved agreed that they will request together an appointment with the competent minister, thereby providing a more credible and professional presentation about the ongoing problem.

At the ministerial meeting, Alexe confirmed that in the new ministerial budget, supplementation RON 3 million (EUR 627,000) was allocated to cover damage caused by wild animals, and he promised that the payments will be completed this year (on Wednesday RON 2 million was transferred to the farmers – ed. note). The minister acknowledged the merit of the party on this.

László Ödön Fejér
Senator László Ödön Fejér


Alexe, as he promised, has put forward an action plan on big game hunting or relocating. This plan would make it easier for competent authorities to shoot or relocate dangerous wild animals, as they would get the approval much faster and easier. According to the delegation, the minister’s cabinet is also looking for a way to develop an effective norm that puts the safety of the population first.

“The minister’s attitude is encouraging,” Senator László Ödön Fejér said after the meeting. “We came up with quick and effective solutions, sustainable in the short and long term, for the intervention of local authorities for healthy wildlife management,” he added.

The mayor of Torja, Attila Daragus, and Attila Kiss, president of the Katrosa Hunting Association, also thought that the meeting was promising. But they also pointed out, they will believe the ministers’ promises only if they appear in the Official Bulletin of Romania. The members of the delegation all agreed that they should continue the meetings, till they find a solution for this dangerous issue.

Title image: Mr. Alexe, as he promised, has put forward an action plan on big game hunting or relocating. Photo: Székely Hírmondó

Author: Orsi Sarány