
Hungarian schools in the top 10 Romanian high schools

Last year, 163 students captured international attention for their awesome performance in international competitions, obtaining 192 medals. Romanian news portal Wall Street has put together a list of the top 10 high schools in the country, and what they have found surprised even them: Out of 95 awards received by the top 10 high schools, 21 went to students in Transylvanian schools.

Bucharest is the clear leader in terms of performance, holding the top two positions in the ranking – the International Informatics High School (Liceul Internațional de Informatică), with 46 prizes, and “Tudor Vianu” National College of Computer Science (Colegiul Național Tudor Vianu), with 14 students awarded. Meanwhile, the Hungarian Székely Mikó High School (Székely Mikó Kollégium) in Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe (Transylvania) captured third place, grabbing eight international awards during the calendar year of 2019.

These are the best high schools in Romania. Image source: Wall Street.ro

In fact, a total of four Hungarian high schools made it into the top ten on the national list: Along with the Sepsiszentgyörgy-based high school, in fourth place, we have the Transylvanian high school in Nagybánya/Baia Mare, with five international prizes won by its students; seventh place went to Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca–based István Báthory High School, with four prizes; and Farkas Bolyai High School in Marosvásárhely/Târgu Mureș took eighth place, also with four awards.

By the way, the students’ performance is also rewarded by the Ministry of Education with a lump sum ranging between EUR 525 and EUR 2,600.

Author: István Fekete