
Cioloș: No progress made on two-round election system

No progress has been made on the two-round election system and early legislative elections, said Dacian Cioloș, president of the PLUS party, after meeting with PM Ludovic Orban in Brussels (via Agerpress). Cioloș is expecting the Liberal government to take categorical political action on the aforementioned priorities, which puts the now-ruling government in an uncomfortable position. While the RMDSZ fully supports the prospect of early legislative elections, it is strongly against the introduction of the two-round system ahead of the upcoming municipal elections. As a result, the freshly appointed center-right government is still on shaky ground.

“Among the priorities that we discussed back in December, almost none have been implemented by the government. With regards to the two-round municipal election system and the early legislative elections, things have been at a standstill, and there hasn’t been any news about the reserved seats of Parliament for the diaspora,” Cioloș wrote on his official Facebook page. He added that during the discussion, Ludovic Orban was clearly in favor of the aforementioned changes in the election system and the early legislative elections. “This is encouraging, and we are now waiting for decisive political action in this regard.”

Am avut azi o întâlnire cu premierul Ludovic Orban, care se află la Bruxelles pentru mai multe discuții cu conducerea…

Posted by Dacian Cioloş on Wednesday, January 8, 2020

In order for the motion of no-confidence to pass and the PSD government led by Viorica Dăncilă to fall, the ruling Liberal Party had to ink deals with other parties such as PLUS and RMDSZ. Both parties had terms and conditions for supporting the new government; now Cioloș is reminding the prime minister that they had an agreement and his party is expecting results as soon as possible.

As we previously reported, Hunor Kelemen, president of the RMDSZ, has told the press that the party supports a more stable government, achieved in exchange for early legislative elections. Kelemen’s statement was corroborated by Attila Korodi, the caucus leader of the Hungarian party. However, it is clear that the Hungarian party does not support the change in the election system just before the municipal elections scheduled for June because this would damage the party’s prospects of winning important positions in Szeklerland.

Title image: Dacian Cioloș, Ludovic Orban and others meet in Brussels. Image source: Dacian Cioloș’s Facebook page

Author: István Fekete