International photographer Gábor Lajos provided this exclusive collection of Transylvania photography to us in 0ctober of 2018. Capturing both living subjects and spectral sights, Lajos provides a rare and beautiful glimpse into the untouched Transylvanian countryside.
Homoródfürdő (Băile Homorod) – Once a vibrant holiday destination, Homoródfürdő is full of amazing, deserted villas reminding us of the charm of a fallen era.
Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc), Gate Museum of Szejke (Băile Seiche) – Near the tomb of the 19th century Sekler writer and folk art collector Balázs Orbán. This photo was taken with an exposition time of nearly 90 minutes. The lines in the background were created by the stars’ movement.
Torockószentgyörgy (Coltești) – Sunrise captured from the Castle of Torockószentgyörgy, as the rays of the rising sun penetrate the valley’s thick, cold fog.
One of the oldest buildings in the village featuring the iconic Sekler gate standing in front. Known to locals as the “village of Szekler gates” Máréfalva (Satu Mare) boasts many of these beautiful structures along its streets.
Zetalaki-gát (Barajul Zetea) – There were still people living in this valley when the dictatorship decided to flood it in 1976, submerging many of the dwellings.
Street in Máréfalva (Satu Mare) during a freezing winter night.