
Salt deposits halt Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca metro project

There have been problems with the construction of the Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca subway ever since salt deposits were discovered on the route toward Szászfenes/Florești. The vice mayor, Dan Tarcea, has stated that geological studies show deep salt deposits along 5 of the 20 kilometers where the subway is set to be built.

“Deposits were found around the Mărăști area, from Saint Peter to Szamosfalva/Someșeni. It is a situation we will adapt to. Of course, this will add to the final costs, but we are happy that we found out about it now, and we can adapt the technical solutions to this situation,” Tarcea stated.

He specified that the feasibility study for the city subway has to be ready by the end of 2021, and it will contain a detailed geological study. Tarcea said that this is the mission of a well-done geological study. “We really want to know what is on the subway route so there are no surprises when work begins. If we had known what was underground at the Porțelanului Bridge, we would not have had the problems we are having now. There are technical solutions to this, and the specialists will present them to us.”

Tarcea added that he is not surprised at the discovery, as the salt comes from Torda/Turda and reaches Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca in the Szamosfalva/Someșeni – Kolozs/Cojocna region.

“Problems appear when water is present. If water comes in contact with the body of salt, it will dissolve and a cavity will grow over time, leading to caverns, which can become unstable. On the surface, this can lead to the ground slowly sinking and, in extreme cases, it can collapse,” declared Iulian Popa, a lecturer in geological engineering.

The Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca subway will cost EUR 1 billion, although this is just an estimate per other similar projects. The feasibility study will give the exact cost, and financing will be provided from EU as well as domestic funds.

Featured photo: curbedLA

Author: Blanka Székely