Papal Visit

Online registration platform for papal visit pilgrims to launch in March

Székelyföld/Szeklerland is on the right path toward digitalization. Pilgrims arriving for the visit of Pope Francis in Csíksomlyó/Șumuleu Ciuc can register online, either individually or in groups, starting March 1, on the pontifex.ro website.

Speaking with Székelyhon, prebendary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Gyulafehérvár/Alba Iulia Zoltán Oláh said that they have asked the catholic churches to organize groups that will be summarized by the archdeaconate and registered on the aforementioned website.

The role of the web page is to offer pilgrims a platform where they can register as an individual if they don’t want to be part of a group, Oláh says. “For Transylvanian pilgrims we recommend the group registration, because when we design the sectors, groups will have bigger advantage,” he explains.

Registration is free and serves the scope of designing the sectors on the pilgrimage site of Csíksomlyó. As we previously reported, during his Romanian stay, Pope Francis will also visit the Catholic pilgrimage site of Csíksomlyó. This is the first time a pope will have visited Transylvania. The papal visit is scheduled for June 1, and since the announcement every accommodation place has been booked, prompting the municipality of Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe to offer free lodging, tea and larded bread for 2,000 pilgrims arriving on this date.

Title image: People at the pilgrimage site of Csíksomlyó

Author: István Fekete