
Minister of Health: The spread of the coronavirus is slowing down

The number of coronavirus infections in Romania is still rising, but this “rise is slow,” and the hot spots, like Suceava County, are also “starting to disappear,” Health Minister Nelu Tătaru said Sunday evening. He also pointed out that the pandemic is expected to peak in 7 to 10 days.

“We are in the fourth stage of the epidemic, which means that everyone who shows up at an emergency center is suspected of having a COVID-19 infection. But I would like to mention that the number of cases was lower during the last period,” the minister said on Antena 3 television. He added that at the beginning of last week, 50 new cases were reported daily, but on Friday only 20 cases were registered.

The ministers stressed that due to the mandatory home isolation, the disease had spread only in small hot spots within families and did not reach or spread in local communities. He also said that the pandemic is expected to peak soon, at 10-12,000 cases.

Health Minister Nelu Tătaru

According to Nelu Tătaru, “We are now in a period of a slow rise, not exponential, and we hope that this growth will stop in 7-10 days; after that, the number of new cases will slowly decline. But failure to follow the isolation [measure] may lead to an increase in the total number of cases, and we could reach 15,000 cases, or even more. However, taking into account the last few days, I hope that the current trend will be maintained and that there will be no sudden increase.”

The minister of health also thanked the population for understanding how important it was to respect the rules of social distancing during the Easter period. “I am grateful for the population who understood the message. Have patience for another 7-10 days. It is a difficult time, but we must have faith and hope that we can spend the next holiday together,” Tătaru said.

On April 20, the number of infected people reached 8,936, but only 190 new cases were reported in the previous 24 hours. According to the latest data presented by the Strategic Communication Group, 2,017 people are fully recovered, 261 people are being treated in intensive care units, and 469 people have passed away from the virus.

Not everyone followed the strict measures during Easter

The police fined an Orthodox priest from Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) who, despite the ban, held the Good Friday ceremony in his church with dozens of people in attendance, according to a video posted by Emanuel Ungureanu, representative of the Save Romania Union (USR) party.

The priest was fined for RON 2,000 (EUR 410) for violating a military ordinance prohibiting ceremonies from being held in a church in the presence of believers during the epidemic. The police told Mediafax news agency that those who attended the mass will also be identified and held responsible.



În ciuda recomandărilor conducerii Arhiepiscopiei Clujului, a amenzii simbolice primite ieri, preotul de la Biserica Ortodoxă “Ioan Gură de Aur” din Cluj-Napoca a încălcat din nou legea astăzi, sub ochii îngăduitori ai Poliției și Jandarmeriei.


Ne vom face bine, cu greu, probabil speranța și schimbarea profundă a societății va veni doar de la noua generație!

Nu confundați credința adevărată cu bigotismul și habotnicia.

Distanțarea fizică în vremuri de epidemie, salvează vieți!

Posted by Emanuel Ungureanu – Deputat USR on Sunday, April 19, 2020

The politician who posted the video said that he reported the priest at the Orthodox Archdiocese of Kolozsvár and filed a complaint against him with the police. He also mentioned that he had been informed that there was movement at the church on Saturday too and that the police officers who were there shook hands and hugged the abovementioned priest. On Sunday morning, Emanuel Ungureanu posted another recording showing people leaving the church, in front of which was parked a gendarmerie car. A police officer is also talking to the priest on the video, local news portal maszol.ro reports.



Aceste imagini filmate aseară la Biserica Ortodoxă Sfântul Ioan Gură de Aur din Cartierul Mănăștur, zona Plopilor sunt INTERZISE în Noaptea de Înviere sau după Paște!

Nu ar fi trebuit încălcate nici până acum regulile de distanțare de către nicio biserică, indiferent de cultul religios!

102 pacienți infectați cu Covid 19 sunt îngrijiți la această oră în Spitalul de Boli Infecțioase Cluj!

Am vorbit chiar astăzi cu managerul spitalului din linia întâi pe Transilvania în lupta anti Covid.

Se simțea pe alocuri copleșit și nesusținut de alte spitale din Cluj-Napoca, cum ar fi Spitalul Municipal sau Recuperare.

Personalul medico-sanitar începând de la: infirmiere, asistente, brancardieri, medici, biochimiști, medici de laborator, anatomopatologi, este copleșit, toată lumea face eforturi EROICE să salveze vieți.

Nu zădărniciți munca lor, nu vă bateți joc!

Vă redau imaginile filmate de o clujeancă ieri seară și în 5 aprilie și mesajul ei disperare către autoritățile din Cluj-Napoca.

Am atras atenția de nenumărate ori că Poliția Locală din Cluj-Napoca nu își face datoria cum trebuie în contextul Covid 19, primăria Cluj se face că nu aude.

From: ch t <ch_t@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 10:12 PM
To: Emanuel Dumitru Ungureanu

Subject: BOR incalca legislatia anti Covid19 cu suportul autorităților locale din Cluj-Napoca!

Buna ziua,

Pentru că în urmă cu aproximativ 2 săptămâni (în 05.04) am anunțat Poliția Locală care nu a făcut nimic (și am dat două telefoane, la primul s-au deplasat doar până acolo și atât) , consider că autorităților fie le este teamă, fie sunt complici la ce se întâmplă și nu vor face nimic în acest sens.

Vă trimit video-urile, poate dvs reușiți să le atrageti atenția.

Sau măcar dacă peste două săptămâni izbucnesc cazurile în Cluj, să se cunoască și cauzele.

Eu mă simt neputincioasă în fața atitudinii acesteia de indiferență și iresponsabilitate.

Este biserica Sf Ioan Gură de Aur de pe strada Porțile de Fier, din cart. Mănăștur /Plopilor.

A trecut prin zonă Poliția azi(17.04.2020) în jur de ora 20.00, dar nu au oprit pentru verificări.

Video-urile de la data de 05.04, respectiv cele de azi, le atașez în acest mail.

Succes în tot ceea ce intreprindeți, apreciez efortul !

Cu stimă,
T. C.”

Posted by Emanuel Ungureanu – Deputat USR on Saturday, April 18, 2020

Border police: significant decline compared to the previous Easter

The number of cars crossing the Romanian border was 90 percent lower compared to last year’s Orthodox Easter, the Romanian National Border Police announced on Monday.

According to the border police, in the last 48 hours approximately 13,600 people have entered the country in 9,500 cars, and 10,900 have left in 7,200 cars. At the border between Hungary and Romania, 9,600 people applied to enter the country in 6,500 cars, including 5,600 are trucks.

Even before Easter, on Thursday and Friday, approximately 10,000 people entered the country on the Western border, the border police reported. In the second half of March, more than 250,000 Romanians living abroad returned to the country after losing their jobs due to the pandemic. Romanian authorities, based on their experience in previous years, had feared that this would happen again on Easter. The authorities thus repeatedly asked citizens living abroad to not visit Romania this holiday, stressing that they would have to spend 14 days in quarantine or self-isolation.

Title image: Less than 200 new cases were reported from Sunday to Monday


Author: Orsi Sarány