
Man diagnosed with both flu and coronavirus in Romania

An Italian man is the first person in Romania to be diagnosed with both coronavirus and the flu, reports főtér.ro, a Hungarian news portal in Romania. As the portal points out, the first man infected with coronavirus in the country was also an Italian.

The person infected with both COVID-19 and the flu was visiting Romania when he developed symptoms, which are quite similar for the two diseases. After being tested, both viruses were found in the patient’s body, and he is now being treated in a hospital in Râmnicu Sărat, Buzău County. There was no information about the man’s condition.

Doctors are reminding people that at-risk patients will again have access to free flu vaccines starting on Monday, as family doctors around the country will receive 500,000 doses. There are not enough for everyone, so those who do not get a shot must protect themselves from both coronavirus and the flu by wearing a mask, washing their hands often, and avoiding contact with people who might transmit these diseases.

Title image (illustration): The person diagnosed with COVID-19 and the flu was visiting Romania when he developed symptoms. Photo: pembrokeshire-herald.com

Author: Orsi Sarány