
Kolozsvár/Cluj more livable than Brussels, Miami or Toronto

Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca is the most livable city of Romania according to Numbeo.com. The website ranked 227 cities all around the world by their quality of life index.

In the calculation of the index the website took in account the following indicators: purchasing power, pollution index, house price to income ratio, cost of living, safety, health care, traffic commute time and climate index. According to these indexes Kolozsvár is the most livable city in Romania, being 107th in the list of 227 cities, before Temesvár/Timișoara (126th), Jászvásár/Iași (144th) and the capital Bukarest/Bucharest (169th).

Kolozsvár, with its 154.62 points is in a better place than Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel (153.07 index), Miami (111. place), Toronto (112.), or some European cities like Brussels, Belgium (114.), Madrid, Spain (115.)

The most livable city in the world is Canberra, the capital Australia, followed by Eindhoven, Netherlands and Raleigh, NC, United States. At the opposite end of the list is Caracas, Venezuela, right under Lagos, Nigeria and Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The website also ranked 433 cities by their cost of living and ten Romanian cities appear on this list. The most expensive city of Romania is Bucharest (311th), followed by Constanta (313th), Kolozsvár (327th), Brassó/Brasov (331st), Temesvár (333rd), Arad (336th), Jászvásár (343rd), Nagyvárad/Oradea (355th), Sibiu/Szeben (356th) and Craiova (368th).

The cost of living index is calculated by taking into account the rent, prices of groceries and restaurants at local purchasing power, with all these indicators relative to New York City (NYC).

According to these calculations the most expensive cities in the world are Switzerland, occupying the top six places on the list: the first is Basel, followed by Zurich, Lausanne, Bern, Geneva and Lugano. The cheapest cities are in India and Pakistan, with Rawalpindi at the bottom.

Author: Orsi Sarány