
Bear won’t leave Gyergyószentmiklós / Gheorgheni

Authorities were alerted three times in the last 12 hours because of a bear wandering around the city of Gyergyószentmiklós/Gheorgheni.

According to the statement of the gendarmerie, the first call arrived on Tuesday night from Nicolae Bălcescu Street, where the wild animal was seen near a dumpster. Gendarmerie, police and the Emergency Rescue Service rushed to the scene and managed to chase the animal away from the inhabited area. During the operation, which lasted about an hour, no incidents occurred. However, sometime after midnight and also at 4 a.m., the bear returned to the same place.

Police asked locals again that whenever they witness such a scene to not take photos of the wild animals because their own life is much more important, and in all cases, they should call the 112 emergency line and not interfere with the removal of the bear. This same bear appeared on Tuesday morning as well at a shopping center. Ro-Alert regularly called locals’ attention to the danger. A video was also recorded of the visit.

Featured photo: Székelyhon


Author: Blanka Székely