Business & Technology

Company use of social media lowest in Romania: Eurostat

One in two European Union–based enterprises are using social media. But that, unfortunately, isn’t the case for Romanian companies, according to the latest statistics revealed by Eurostat.

The overall leader in the ranking is Malta, where 84 percent of enterprises use social media as a communication channel with customers, followed by Denmark with 75 percent and the Netherlands with 74 percent. And in last place – as in so many things – is Romania with only 33 percent, ranking below Bulgaria, where 34 percent of enterprises use social media, Poland (37 percent), and Hungary (38 percent).

An interesting addition to last year’s data is a comparison with 2014: The biggest spike in social media use among enterprises was recorded in Denmark and Luxembourg (both 26 percentage points) and Finland (25 points), followed by Sweden (24 points) and Latvia (22 points), while the lowest was recorded in Romania, Slovenia, Ireland and Portugal (11 points).

The business decision to stay away from social media is rather odd, as studies have already underscored the role such channels play in the lives of people populating this country. For example, research company iSense Solutions has found that more than 53 percent of Romanians in urban areas access social media channels as soon as they wake up. The most popular platform remains Facebook, topping all other social media channels: FaceBrands has knowledge of 9.6 million users registered on the platform, and of those, 9.2 million have set their city as well.

Enterprises using social media. Image source: Eurostat

Author: István Fekete